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    Securex is a strong promoter of sports and cultural activities and the company positions itself with the literary and the performing arts as this is the channel to enrich the mind, spirit and soul. Securex has supported the “beautification of Dhaka campaign” as part of its CSR activities – because a “Livable” City means a safer” city. The strong support to the field of sports reflects the company’s focus on ensuring that the employees get regular opportunities to play along side work, a great combination to keep your team on FFD state – Fit for Duty. Securex sponsors the yearly ASCENT CORPORATE SOCCER CUP, ISPAHANI CORPORATE BADMINTON GRAND SLAM & THE CHEVRON GOLF CUP and eagerly participates in the games as well. In the last 5 years the results show a tighter management and operations team filled with the confidence to take the company to the next level. Securex’ involvement with the HAY FESTIVAL , the largest literary festival in the country is a testament that “Knowledge” is key to survival and the way forward- The mind is the power that brings change in our society . Our mission is simple “go with the change and evolve”

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    14 April, 2022


     +88 09606 77 33 55